Feeding the Beast – Creating “Buzz” & Marketing your practice.
I learned about marketing many many years ago and thought I knew the rules, then the internet happened and all the rules changed.
Most folks in business struggle daily with the fundamentals of just doing what they firm claims to do- how then does the business keep moving forward and grow?
Is your business worth 30 minutes per week of marketing? Twenty four hours per year?
Ponder this- there are four basic ways a consultancy can market itself:
1) Referrals [partnering up as with CERT- you are already doing this]
2) Networking [working the room- if you aren’t doing this you need to]
3) Advertising [spending money- ugh- the least effective most often]
4) Feeding the beast [promotion, “virtual” networking, public relations and goodwill]
Ed Walsh will explore the concept of “Feeding the Beast” where “the beast” is your need to market the business. This call is open to all current full members of the CERT.
Are not yet a CERT member? Join now and don’t miss this important call!