Congratulations to CERT past president, a founding member and director Daniel Frondorf, CPE, CDT of DG Frondorf and Associates, LLC, for receiving the 2018 Frank E. Young Excellence in Education Award from ASPE at its annual conference, the Steel City Summit in Pittsburgh, Penn., on Fri., June 29, 2018!
Pictured with Frondorf, third from left, are, l. to r., CERT director Phillip Salisbury, CPE, LEED AP, of Blundall Associates, Inc.; CERT member Marcene N. Taylor, CPE, president of ASPE and President of Marcene Taylor Inc.; CERT President David M. Battle, FCPE of Pre Construction Services, Inc.; Chris Taylor; and past president, treasurer and a CERT founding member Lewis Finkel, FCPE, of Professional Construction Services, Inc.