Category Archives: Events

Save the Date

Park MGM Las Vegas

Dear CERT member,
Our fall 2019 CERT conference will be held at the Park MGM Las Vegas on Monday-Tuesday September 9-10, 2019. This event will be co-located with the national conference of the National Association of Construction Auditors (NACA). Planning is underway now, and the committee is seeking ideas for topics and speakers to fill this two day event. Topics relevant to the estimating profession and to the business of consulting are what we are looking for. We will feature an open forum round table discussion on day two where members can share ideas and experiences with the other attendees. We will have an opportunity to engage with our colleagues in the construction auditing profession, and will likely be able to attend some of their sessions. We are also seeking sponsor ideas, so if you have a contact at a vendor whose services and products you utilize and think they may be interested in sponsoring our event, please let us know that too. Be on the lookout for more information in the coming days, and send your ideas to planning committee chair Dan Frondorf by email at

Consulting Estimators Round Table Presents its 2018 Fall Southeast Conference

The Dynamics of Estimating Consulting in Construction

The changing profession of estimating consulting requires estimators to be knowledgeable of the latest practices and trends in architecture, engineering and construction. Attend the annual CERT conference where members, professional estimators, industry colleagues, officials, attorneys and other professionals will gather for educational programs, networking and to share their experiences on these issues and more. Dynamic programs will be presented by interesting speakers on a range of topics, including:

  • Estimating concrete projects
  • Professional liability insurance for consultants
  • Construction law and policy for estimators
  • Technical issues in estimating consulting
  • Best Practices roundtable discussion
  • And more…

October 22-23, 2018
Hyatt Regency DFW International Airport
2334 N. International Pkwy.
DFW Airport, Texas

Cost includes admission to breakfast and lunch and educational programs and seminars. Attendance at programs is eligiblefor professional development credit.

Cost: $200 per member; early-bird discount for members only: $175, if registration and payment received by Aug. 31, 2018. Registration required by Wednesday, October 10, 2018.

Make your own reservation today, for only $199 per night, exclusive of taxes and fees, using the special hotel passkey. (Room and other charges are in addition to conference fee.)

Please register and pay by Wed., Oct. 10, 2018


 Thank you to our event sponsors Gordian and 14Fathoms!

Save The Date

Consulting Estimators Round Table Annual Fall Southeast Conference

Save The Date

October 22-23, 2018, at Hyatt Regency DFW in Dallas, Texas.


2017 Fall Northeast Conference

Consulting Estimators Round Table Presents its 2017 Fall Northeast Conference

Sponsored by

Meeting the Challenges of Estimating Consulting in a Changing World

Consulting estimators face significant challenges in their practice today, from client demands and competition to cost pressures and professional liability for their services. Attend the CERT fall conference where CERT members, professional estimators, industry colleagues, state officials, attorneys and others will share their experiences on these issues and more. Dynamic programs will be presented by interesting speakers on a range of topics, including:

  • Professional liability insurance for consultants
  • Construction law and policy for estimators
  • Construction claims valuation and forensic analysis for estimators
  • Using Excel in your estimating practice
  • Best Practices roundtable discussion
  • And more…

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Hartford/Windsor Marriott Airport
28 Day Hill Road
Windsor, Connecticut
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost: $150 per member.
Registration required by Tues., Oct. 17, 2017.

Best Practices Conference Call

When: Friday, May 19, 2017
Topic: Teaching, Learning, and Presenting: How Sharing Our Knowledge Makes Us Better Estimators and Better Business Owners
Moderated By: Dan Frondorf, CPE, CDT, President and a CERT Founding Member, DG Frondorf and Associates LLC, VCEF Construction Estimating Consultants

Sharing knowledge and experiences are great ways to give back to the profession, increase your status as a subject matter expert, promote your business, and increase awareness of the importance of estimating as a necessary and meaningful part of the design and construction industry. There are many opportunities for CERT members to teach, author articles, present seminars, and to gain knowledge and grow professionally. Join us as we discuss how CERT members have availed themselves of the opportunities in the past, and how to do so in the future.

This Best Practices Conference call is presented by the CERT Education Committee. It is open to all members.

April Best Practices Conference Call

When: Friday, April 21, 2017
Topic: Responding to RFPs, Writing Proposals, Establishing Fees and Other Non-Revenue Work
Moderated By: Dan Frondorf, CPE, CDT, President and a CERT Founding Member, DG Frondorf and Associates LLC, VCEF Construction Estimating Consultants

Please join your colleagues as CERT examines those tasks that estimators must perform in order to get  work “in the door” before we start – much of which is unrecoverable if the work is not awarded. We will discuss the best methods to determine if a RFP is a good fit for your firm, shortcuts to establishing fees and determining time commitments, and ways to minimize lost revenue when “estimating the estimate”.

March Best Practices Conference Call

When: Friday, March 24, 2017, 2:00 pm ET
Topic: How Estimators Can Meet Challenging Client Expectations
Moderated By: Dan Frondorf, CPE, CDT, President and a CERT Founding Member, DG Frondorf and Associates LLC

Keeping clients happy and meeting their expectations is another of the ongoing challenges faced by consulting estimators. Often, these expectations cause the estimator heartburn for many reasons, including having to provide additional services, working longer hours, putting other projects aside, and unrecoverable revenue. Join us as we discuss the different categories of unreasonable client expectations, and share your own stories and lessons as well as learn from those of your fellow CERT members.

CERT Members to Present at the Dallas Build Expo in March

CERT members David Battle, CPE and Daniel Frondorf, CPE, CDT will be presenting estimating seminars on consecutive days on March 15-16, 21017 at the Dallas Build Expo. Please consider attending this two-day event that will feature several other construction related seminars as well as an exhibit floor where hundreds of construction-related vendors, suppliers, and service providers will be set up to demonstrate and discuss their offerings. Here is a link to the event: