Dear CERT member,
Our fall 2019 CERT conference will be held at the Park MGM Las Vegas on Monday-Tuesday September 9-10, 2019. This event will be co-located with the national conference of the National Association of Construction Auditors (NACA). Planning is underway now, and the committee is seeking ideas for topics and speakers to fill this two day event. Topics relevant to the estimating profession and to the business of consulting are what we are looking for. We will feature an open forum round table discussion on day two where members can share ideas and experiences with the other attendees. We will have an opportunity to engage with our colleagues in the construction auditing profession, and will likely be able to attend some of their sessions. We are also seeking sponsor ideas, so if you have a contact at a vendor whose services and products you utilize and think they may be interested in sponsoring our event, please let us know that too. Be on the lookout for more information in the coming days, and send your ideas to planning committee chair Dan Frondorf by email at
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