Welcome to our newest members SDJ Resources, LLC and Preferred Construction Management!
Welcome to our newest members SDJ Resources, LLC and Preferred Construction Management!
Congratulations to CERT past president, a founding member and director Daniel Frondorf, CPE, CDT of DG Frondorf and Associates, LLC, for receiving the 2018 Frank E. Young Excellence in Education Award from ASPE at its annual conference, the Steel City Summit in Pittsburgh, Penn., on Fri., June 29, 2018!
Pictured with Frondorf, third from left, are, l. to r., CERT director Phillip Salisbury, CPE, LEED AP, of Blundall Associates, Inc.; CERT member Marcene N. Taylor, CPE, president of ASPE and President of Marcene Taylor Inc.; CERT President David M. Battle, FCPE of Pre Construction Services, Inc.; Chris Taylor; and past president, treasurer and a CERT founding member Lewis Finkel, FCPE, of Professional Construction Services, Inc.
Lewis Finkel, F.C.P.E., President, Professional Construction Services, Inc.; board member, past president and a founding member of CERT, will present a workshop, Estimating Fundamentals, for the Construction Institute, Wed. Feb. 28, 2018, at 8 am in Hartford, Conn. Attendees are eligible for CEU. Link to additional information and registration follows.
Check out CERT’s new e-newsletter, Estimator News, which includes photos from the 2016 Southeast Conference, Atlanta.
The Consulting Estimators Round Table hosted its Southeast Conference on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 10-11, 2016, at the Marriott Atlanta Gateway Hotel.
Over the two day conference, attendees heard presentations from fellow CERT members, industry professionals, attorneys, colleagues and others on various issues affecting the estimating consulting industry.
Topics included interacting with clients; cellular concrete options in construction; marketing; specialization; and professional liability for consultants.
The exceptional presenters stimulated an in-depth discussion in a ‘best practices’ forum.
The program provided an ideal opportunity for members and estimators to gather, socialize and discuss cutting-edge issues confronting their practices and how they are dealing with them.
“The event was a great success,” said Dan Frondorf CPE of DG Frondorf and Associates, LLC and past president of CERT. “The speakers were top-notch and the venue and food were quite good as well. Several new people who attended added to the value of the conference.”
CERT thanks all the speakers for their wonderful presentations and professionalism in preparing for the conference and all those who attended. Additionally, CERT hopes that you can join us for a future conference.
Two CERT members, Rifka Malik, CPESC and Danielf Frondorf, CPE, CDT showcased the Consulting Estimator’s Round Table at the BuildExpo NJ in Secaucus, NJ. We presented two informative seminars on The Fundamentals of Construction Estimating and The Essentials of Estimating Civil/Sitework and Erosion Control. We had a great turnout and engaging participants.
Are you interested in being an active CERT member? There are many opportunities to participate in CERT activities in many locations. Let us know by commenting below or messaging me or any other board member.
Rifka Malik, Daniel Frondorf and Bill Manfrendonia representing CERT at the Bluebook Showcase, where former President Daniel Frondorf CPE Estimating Fundamentals to the attending crowd.
Dear CERT 2015 NE Conference Attendees, Sponsors, and CERT Board members,
Thanks for your attendance at and participation in the CERT 2015 NE Conference.
I hope you will agree with me that the content and time were both well worth the effort.
We had some great presentations and discussions, made new friends and colleagues, and took home some good ideas that we can put into practice in our businesses.
I’m grateful to each of you for your contributions to the event, to our sponsors the AGC of New York (Dennis), the Blue Book of Building and Construction (Mark), and DCD Magazine (Barb), and to our presenters for their thoughtful and informative insights.
It was great to see so many new faces as well as old friends too. I like to think in addition to being beneficial to our businesses, the event was a lot of fun and very interactive – everybody participated in the discussions and was very involved in the conference.
Daniel G Frondorf CPE
DG Frondorf & Associates LLC VCEF
NEWS from CERT Conference 2013- Philadelphia- July 16
The CERT inks strategic alliance with the American Society of Professional Estimator
Patsy Smith- Executive Director of ASPE signs for the Society.
Incoming CERT President Dan Frondorf CPE to offer Ethical Bidding Considerations seminar at ASPE National Convention this July in Philadelphia.
Daniel Frondorf, CPE is the owner and operator of Cincinnati based DG Frondorf and Associates LLC, VCEF – a consulting estimating firm specializing in civil and site cost estimating services for contractors, designers, CM firms, and owners.
Dan is a national board member of ASPE, serving as the Central Plains region Governor from 2009-2013, and his firm is a member of the Consulting Estimator Round Table. (Dan is the 2013-2014 President of the CERT).
He is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati, teaching heavy highway (civil) estimating, and is a faculty member at Cincinnati based Allied Construction Industries, a trade association for contractors, teaching estimating fundamentals and ethical bidding practices in their contractor education program.
Dan is the author of “Ethical Bidding Practices – Why ASPE Promotes Them” in the October 2010 edition of Estimating Today, and has presented seminars on civil estimating and ethical bidding practices at ASPE regional and national estimating academies.